The former organist for rock group
[bn:URL=] Procol Harum [] was awarded a portion of the royalties from the
band’s 1967, chart-topping song “A Whiter Shade of Pale” in a
ruling by the U.K.’s highest court.
( -- Researchers from the University of Tokyo have developed 3D holograms that can be touched with bare hands. Generally, holograms can't be felt because they're made only of light. But the new technology adds tactile feedback to holograms hovering in 3D space.
The story of how basic questions about what to eat got so complicated reveals a great deal about the institutional imperatives of the food industry, nutritional science and journalism.
Rovshan Nasirli, a resident of the Azerbaijani capital Baku, this week received a surprise summons to the National Security Ministry for questioning. His transgression? Voting for the Armenia...
Svenske Arash, som sjöng för Azerbajdzjan i Eurovision Song Contest, har indirekt hamnat mitt i en internationell dispyt. I Azerbajdzjan har polisen kartlagt hur folket röstade i tävlingen och klassar...
Ett medelålders svenskt par på semester i Italien körde fel. De skulle till Capri men hamnade, efter en felstavning i sin GPS, i stället i den norditalienska staden Carpi. En miss på cirka 650 kilometer.
Almaniyadan yeni gəlmiş cənab Esel Heinz eşşəkdən yerli jurnalistlər müsahibə aldıÖtən il Azərbaycan dövlət büdcəsindən xaricdən 34 baş eşşək və qatırın alın...
With rising oil prices leaving many Americans stranded in suburbia, it’s starting to look as if Berlin, a city of trains, buses and bikes, had the better idea.
SvD:s ledarredaktion: PJ Anders Linder, Maria Abrahamsson, Per Gudmundson, Claes Arvidsson och Sanna Rayman skriver om politik, samhälle och aktuell debatt.
Two Azeri bloggers associated with a sly send-up video about the government, which has been accused of paying high prices to import donkeys, were arrested last week.
Tjuvtittat bjuder på snygga bilder av roliga skyltar, arga lappar, ogenomtänkt reklam, spännande platser och helt underbara tankefel ifrån både Sverige och världen!