Summary of Nielsen Norman Group's eye tracking studies with links to articles presenting findings in more detail.
A site did most things right, but still had a miserable 14% success rate for its most important task. The reason? Users ignored a key area because it resembled a promotion.
Eyetracking visualizations show that users often read Web pages in an F-shaped pattern: two horizontal stripes followed by a vertical stripe.
Automatic Human Visual Attention Modeling for Personalized Web Services. AdSence Heatmap generation using computer vision only. Example of an eyetracking "...
Eyetracking video of the weblog Marketingfacts.nl
The blue dot illustrates where the user is focusing when reading the usability blog www.iallenkelhet.no
http://www.cuende.comUtilizando Mobile EyeTracking para descubrir los puntos de atención y la eficacia de la publicidad en prensa El círculo rojo indica dond...
demo of eye tracking
Eye Tracking technology allows you to climb inside users' heads and see your website through their eyes. It lets you see where they look, what they pay most ...
The blog of online journalist and Web developer, Patrick Thornton.
The following is a speech I gave yesterday at the South By Southwest Interactive Festival in Austin. I If you happened to being hanging out in front of the old College Hill Bookstore in Providence Rhode Island in 1987, on...