augusti 01, 2008

augusti 10, 2008

augusti 20, 2008

links for 2008-08-19

Posted by jonas at 05:03 FM | Comments (0)

augusti 31, 2008

links for 2008-08-30

  • Jul 17th 2008 Is the web narrowing scientists’ expertise? One explanation could be that indexing works by titles and authors alone, as happened with printed journals, forced readers to cast at least a cursory glance at work not immediately related to their own—or even that the mere act of flicking through a paper volume may have thrown up unexpected gems. This may have led people to make broader comparisons and to integrate more past results into their research.

    It is not yet clear whether this change is for good or ill. Electronic searching means that no relevant paper is likely to go unread, but narrowing the definition of “relevance” risks reducing the cross-fertilisation of ideas that sometimes leads to big, unexpected advances.

Posted by jonas at 04:31 FM | Comments (0)