Från Blind Hönas arkiv

Svensk indie slår i UK

"The past decade has seen the country produce a number of successful indie bands ... but never a rush like this. A whole heap of fabulous Swedish indie pop albums have been released over the course of the summer, with more to come, and the UK has responded - there are now no less than three successful club nights in Britain playing exclusively Swedish music. Where did it all go right?"
Guardian: Stockholm syndrome, 15 sep
Guardian hyllar the Legends, Acid House Kings, Club 8, Suburban Kids With Biblical Names, Radio Dept, I'm From Barcelona, Hell on Wheels, [ingenting] och Vapnet, Blood Music med flera. Och vad beror det på:
"Duncanson admits that it helps that the Swedish government is so supportive of the arts. Anyone can get money for guitar strings, or form a studiocirkel - a group of individuals who apply for government funding for rehearsal rooms.

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16 sep 2006


"Studiocirkel" för dem som vill spela in en skiva!
*haha* Vilken bra felskrivning!

Förresten, är det inte lustigt att statligt subventionerad musik verkar vara ge goda förutsättningar för framgångar inom "independant"?

Från: Håkan (hakke) | Skickat vid: 12:58, 16 september 2006

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