Fler problem med offentliga sektorns IT-system
Om du läste recensionen av "Plundering th public sector" - om den brittiska regeringens många IT-misslyckanden - finns en intressant artikel i Guardian, som dels listar ytterligare problem som drabbat aktuella IT-projekt, men också försöker analysera varför det så ofta går fel. En hel del av det är nog giltigt även för Sverige:
"One of government's more worrying habits in managing IT programmes is trying to get all three [cheap, fast, good, min anm]. Political timetables usually demand speed, while the complexities of public service - government can't choose its customers - demand perfection. The public procurement process, meanwhile, drives towards low cost: in the initial contract, price, at least. Something has to give. Traditionally, it is cost, usually with the supplier's tacit collusion. (...) When the system spec is vulnerable to politically imposed 'function creep', and the deadlines the subject of tabloid headlines, you're doomed." Permalänk | |
07 jun 2006
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