Från Blind Hönas arkiv

Teknikkrångel på jobbet tar en månad av året

Enligt en studie av City & Guilds förlorar en genomsnittlig kontorsarbetare en månad om året åt att försöka förstå ny teknisk utrustning som datorer, mobiltelefoner etc. och att få dem att fungera:
"Workers spent 10 per cent of their time battling against computer programmes or getting to grips with phones, handheld devices and other gadgets, equating to a month a year.

Thirty-seven per cent say they are frustrated by not being able to handle the technology.

About a third (32 per cent) of workers say they have failed to receive training from their company to teach them to use the technology in the office.

Almost a fifth of bosses (18 per cent) now dismiss staff by saying their skills are not up to scratch with more than half (51 per cent) admitting it adversely affects productivity levels."
New Scotsman: We have the technology, now tell us how to use it, 9 nov 2005
Insikten om vad detta betyder för arbetsmiljön håller på att vakna:
" 'Nowadays, employees are expected to know how to navigate complex computer programmes and a greater amount of administration work, as well as their day-to-day jobs.

This places huge pressure on staff, and can have serious consequences on their productivity as well as their stress levels,' added Mr Knight."
(Tack, Tommmy på för länken.)

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01 dec 2005


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