Adobes kamp mot papperet
Economist om Adobes kamp mot pappperet:
"Bruce Chizen, the boss of Adobe Systems, wants to end bureaucracy as we know it
(...) Adobe's trick - in effect, a sort of alchemy that turns paper into computer code - is a clever bar code at the bottom of its latest PDF documents. As a PDF form gets filled in on a computer, this bar code constantly changes so that all the information is captured. This includes not only the obvious (name and address, say) but also higher forms of 'intelligence'?, such as audit trails (who has read this form?), access privileges (who may view or e-mail it?), and business logic (who needs to see this form next?). When the form is then printed and sent as paper, it only needs to be scanned at the other end for all the data to enter their destination computers as if the form had stayed electronic all along."
Economist: Face value (14 april 2005)
(Floskelvarning: nej, byråkratin kommer inte att försvinna ens med Acrobat-dokument. Lika gärna öka. Trots att datanördarna inte vill låtsas om det. är papper i många fall ett mycket smidigt sätt att hantera information...)
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Andra som länkat hit (0)
15 apr 2005
Papper är bättre. Jag läser gigantiska mängder varje dag och har fått lov att skaffa mig en laserprinter. När skärmarna blir lika stora och med samma upplösning som ett papper - då närmar vi oss...
Från: N|. | Skickat vid: 9:04, 15 april 2005