Att lära av sina fel"Failure is what moves you forward. Listen to failure."Om den andre Steve i Apple, Steve Wozniak - den geniale konstruktören av Apple II, den sista datorn som helt designades av en enda människa - i Harvard Business School's nyhetsbrev: "Linda Stone, a former executive at both Apple Computer and Microsoft, recalls a conversation she participated in with Steve Wozniak and Dean Kamen, perhaps the two best-known living inventors.Efter att ha misslyckats med sitt post-Apple-projekt - en universiell fjärrkontroll (!) - bytte Steve bana: "But maybe Woz was just responding to failure in his own way. His style of inventing complex electronics all by himself was no longer applicable in a world made infinitely more complex by his own invention. He decided to specialize, to immerse himself in the one component of the computer that was most prone to failure, the only part he still found interesting: the user, particularly the young user, the kid in school. He was taking a giant detour. While dabbling in philanthropy, he delved into the practice of teaching and the study of learning, more specifically how children use computers to learn. He did this for nearly fifteen years, during which time more of his fortune evaporated.Steve Wozniak på The Original Macintosh: Anecdotes about the development of Apple's original Macintosh computer, and the people who created it. Permalänk | Andra som länkat hit (0) |
27 sep 2004
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