Från Blind Hönas arkiv

Krypskyttar eller prickskyttar?

Adam anmärkte på att jag översatte "sniper" med krypskytt. Det borde heta prickskytt, menade han.

Lexikonet ger faktiskt båda orden som översättning. Men prickskytt är förstås den mer neutrala termen. Så först tänkte jag att han hade rätt.

Men ... att vara neutral är ju också en värdering. I rapporterna från Falluja talas om obeväpnade civila som skjuts i ryggen:
"Maki, a consultant and acting director of the clinic, brings me to the bed where a child of about ten is lying with a bullet wound to the head. A smaller child is being treated for a similar injury in the next bed. A US sniper, they said, hit them and their grandmother as they left their home to flee Falluja. (...)

'Come,' says Maki and ushers me alone into a room where an old woman has just had an abdominal bullet wound stitched up. Another in her leg is being dressed, the bed under her foot soaked with blood, a white flag still clutched in her hand and the same story: 'I was leaving my home to go to Baghdad when I was hit by a US sniper.' (...)

There is a man, face down, in a white dishdash, a small round red stain on his back. We run to him. Again the flies have got there first. Dave is at his shoulders, I am by his knees and as we reach to roll him onto the stretcher Dave’s hand goes through his chest, through the cavity left by the bullet that entered so neatly through his back and blew his heart out.

There is no weapon in his hand. Only when we arrive, his sons come out, crying, shouting. He was unarmed, they scream. He was unarmed. He just went out the gate and they shot him. None of them have dared come out since. No one had dared come to get his body, horrified, terrified, forced to violate the traditions of treating the body immediately."
Jo Wilding: Inside the Fire
Och i NY Times finns den här beskrivningen:
That same day, Brent Bourgeois, a 20-year-old lance corporal from Kenner, La., said he saw an American helicopter fire a missile at a man with a sling shot.
"Crazy, huh?" Corporal Bourgeois asked.
NY Times: In Falluja, Ceasefire Doesn't Reduce Tension, or Danger
Så hur rimligt är det att vara neutral?

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18 apr 2004


"Snipers are strategic weapons in Fallujah"

Taking a short breather Friday, the 21-year-old Marine corporal explained what it was like to practice his lethal skill in the battle for this city.

"It's a sniper's dream," he said in polite, matter-of-fact tones. "You can go anywhere and there are so many ways to fire at the enemy without him knowing where you are."

Från: johan | Skickat vid: 23:10, 18 april 2004

Någon påpekade någonstans att moderna militära vapen har sådan räckvidd så att det mesta kan upplevas som krypskytte av dom som befinner sig på fel sida. Om någon skjuter mot dig från 250-300 meters håll så spelar det knappast någon roll om han rent formellt är prickskytt eller "vanlig" skytt; allt upplevs som krypskytte.

Från: Fredrik | Skickat vid: 10:40, 19 april 2004

krypskytt är en term som används när man beskriver en soldat som skjuter på civila mål som militära. en krigsförbrytare helt enkelt.

prickskytten däremot följer lagen och engagerar sig inte för att skjuta på icke-kombatanter.

krypskyttar var vanliga under kriget i bosnien, där de höll staden sarajevo i skräck för en lång tid.

Från: per | Skickat vid: 23:12, 03 november 2005

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