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Mer splittring i Irak?
Från samma Aftonbladet-artikel som i notisen "Devil in disguise":
"Allt oftare framförs nu kritik mot USA för att man inte låter irakier eller irakisk militär delta i landets försvar.Billmon på Whiskey Bar har en del reflektioner kring detta: "Having committed one huge error in disbanding the old Iraqi Army, the Coalition appears to be on the brink of comitting an even worse one: letting the various factions on the Governing Council put their supporters on the street with guns:En till som tycker Irak börjar likna Libanon är Robert Baer, före detta CIA-agent:'The officials said the force could consist of thousands of Iraqis already screened by the political parties for prior affiliations with Saddam Hussein's government. Some Iraqi officials said that such a militia could ultimately take control of Iraqi cities from American soldiers.'Given the way the Council has handled its business so far - carefully partitioning everything (seats, ministries, the rotating presidency) among the its various factions, it's hard to believe a new militia wouldn't be created in the same fashion. This how private armies get created. This is how Lebanons get created." "Washington Post 24/8: Where Do They Go From Here? We Pulled Out of Beirut. We Can't Abandon Iraq". (Baer har en del egendomliga ideer men hans analys är läsvärd.) Permalänk | |
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01 sep 2003
På kornet | Korn av sanning | Guldkorn | Blind höna | Skrot och korn | Väderkorn |