Från Blind Hönas arkiv

Lita inte på den officiella versionen

Varför man alltid ska vara skeptisk mot vad en krigförande part säger:
"The case of Khalil al-Mughrabi is telling. The 11-year-old was shot dead in Rafah by the Israeli army two years ago as he played football with a group of friends near the security fence. One of Israel's most respected human rights organisations, B'Tselem, wrote to the judge advocate general's office, responsible for prosecuting soldiers, demanding an inquiry. Months later, the office wrote back saying that Khalil was shot by soldiers who acted with "restraint and control" to disperse a riot in the area.

However, the judge advocate general's office made the mistake of attaching a copy of its own, supposedly secret, investigation which came to a quite different conclusion - that the riot had been much earlier in the day and the soldiers who shot the child should not have opened fire. The report says a "serious deviation from obligatory norms of behaviour" took place.
In the report, the chief military prosecutor, Colonel Einat Ron, then spelled out alternative false scenarios that should be offered to B'Tselem. B'Tselem said the internal report confirmed that the army has a policy of covering up its crimes. 'The message that the judge advocate general's office transmits to soldiers is clear: soldiers who violate the 'Open Fire Regulations', even if their breach results in death, will not be investigated and will not be prosecuted.'
Jag undrar om de svarade med mejl. Mer än en gång har jag fått mejl där interna brevväxlingar bifogats av misstag. Det är liksom svårare att missa att hemliga papper ligger i ett vanligt kuvert.

Från Guardians 'I can't imagine anyone who considers himself a human being can do this' - en obehaglig artikel om huruvida israeliska soldater med berått mod skjuter mot barn.

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28 jul 2003


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