Från Blind Hönas arkiv

Den första rävjakten

England förbjöd rävjakt 1 juli, och Reynard the Fox kan äntligen andas ut, 210 år efter den första jakten (fast den här versionen av jakten på Reynard har faktiskt placerats i Irland):

On the first day of March, in the year 93
The first recreation was in this country
The King´s County gentlemen o´er hills, dales and rocks
they rode out so joyfully in search of a fox

Tallyho, hark away, tallyho, hark away,
tallyho, hark away, me boys, away, hark away

When Reynard was started he faced Tobermore
and Arklow and Wicklow along the sea-shore
We kept his brush in view every yard of the way
and it´s straight he made his course through the streets of Rosstrade

Tallyho, hark away...

But Reynard, sly Reynard, lay hid there that night
and we swore we would watch him until the daylight
And early next morning, the hills did resound
with the sweet smell of horses and the sweet cry of hounds

Tallyho, hark away...

When Reynard was started he faced to the hollow
Where none but the footmen and hounds they could follow
The gentlemen cried "Watch him, watch him, what will he do?
If the rocks do not stop him he will cross Killaloe"

Tallyho, hark away...

When Reynard was taken his wishes to fulfil,
He sent for ink and paper and a pen to write his will,
And what there he made mention of, we found it no thank,
For he gave us a cheque on the National Bank.

Tallyho, hark away...

"Oh To you, mr Casey, I leave my whole estate,
And to you, mr Johnson, my money and my plate,
I give to you, sir Monnigan, my whip, spurs and cap,
For you jumped hedge and ditches and they look so ragged."

Tallyho, hark away...

Räven Reynard eller Renard är en av de mest kända fabelfigurerna, hjälte i otaliga berättelser och ballader. Historierna om hans listighet började spridas redan på 1100-talet och finns i många länder. En svensk version kom ut 1621:

"REYNCKE FOSZ. Thet är: En skön och nyttigh Dicht full medh Wijssheet, godh Läro, och lustige Exempel: Uthi hwilken alle Menniskiors wäsende Handel Otroo List och Snillheet affmälat warder, sampt medh thet sedliga Förständet och thenne Books bruuk. Allom Menniskiom i thenna sällsamma tijden ganska tienligh och nödigh at weta."

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07 jul 2003


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