Från Blind Hönas arkiv

Angående det japanska verbet iku

"'When I was in middle-school,' Ikuko told me, 'I hated my name.' We were lying in her bed, drinking champagne, fooling around. I traced her name in the glossy film of perspiration on her stomach. (On our second date, I’d asked her to write the characters for me. Since then I’d written them dozens of times in my notebook and on scraps of paper.) I could already guess what she wanted to say.

Whereas in the West we 'come' during sex (or 'cum' as they say in pornland), the Japanese 'go,' saying iku (I’m going) as they approach a climax and itta (I went) immediately after.

But Ikuko never said 'iku.' Sometimes she would bite her wrist or the pillow instead. Nor did she ever say 'itta' though she came easily and often."
(läs hela på Jonathon Delacours webblogg "the heart of things")
Dock böjs, om jag nu förstått det hela rätt, inte japanska verb alls efter person, så ett ensamt iku kan strängt taget betyda du går, han går, hon går, vi går, ni går, de går... betydelsen framgår av sammanhanget. Och det torde det väl göra i det här fallet.

Vem säger att lingvistik inte kan vara sensuellt?
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  Avdelare mellan text och datering  
12 mar 2003


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