Från Blind Hönas arkiv

Fler protester mot Pentagons TRM-drömmar

Det tycks vara John Poindexter själv som sålt bättre begagnade CRM-löften till Pentagon:
"Soon after Sept. 11, he appeared at the door of the administration like a J. Edgar Hoover vacuum salesman, promising a system that could digest huge amounts of information and produce neatly packaged leads on suspected citizens. (---)

As a man convicted of falsifying and destroying information, he will now be put in charge of gathering information on every citizen. To add insult to injury, the citizens will fund the very system that will reduce their lives to a transparent fishbowl."
Det skriver Jonathan Turley, professor i "constitutional law" vid George Washington University School of Law. Han är också förvånad över bristen på debatt:
"What is most astonishing is the utter lack of public debate over this project. (---)

...the administration has been working on the creation of the world's largest computer system and database, one with the ability to track every credit card purchase, travel reservation, medical treatment and common transaction by every citizen in the United States.

It has been the dream of every petty despot in history..."
Ett system alltså, som kommer att övervaka alla medborgare, men som inte kommer att spåra terrorister.

Läs hela artikeln i The Charlotte Observer.
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08 dec 2002


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