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"I.B.M. has crafted plans to send thousands of upscale jobs from the U.S. to lower-paid workers in China, India and elsewhere. Anyone who doesn't believe this is the wave of the future should listen to comments made last spring by an I.B.M. executive named Harry Newman:

'I think probably the biggest impact to employee relations and to the H.R. field is this concept of globalization. It is rapidly accelerating, and it means shifting a lot of jobs, opening a lot of locations in places we had never dreamt of before, going where there's low-cost labor, low-cost competition, shifting jobs offshore.'

An executive at Microsoft, the ultimate American success story, told his department heads last year to 'Think India,' and to 'pick something to move offshore today.'"
(New York Times: The white-collar blues, 29 dec)

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30 dec 2003


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